Miror Publications

Musicheria.net (2017).La piattaforma MIROR per la creatività musicale e motoria dei bambini in ambienti riflessivi. Interview (in Italian) to Anna Rita Addessi on the MIROR Platform.

Piras, E. (2015). Il paradigma dell’interazione riflessiva. Musica Domani, 172, pp.66-68. Review (in Italian) of the paper by Addessi A.R. (2014) “Developing a Theoretical Foundation for the Relexive Interaction Paradigm with Implications for Training Music Skill and Creativity”.

Addessi, A.R., Anelli, F., Benghi, D. & Friberg, A. (2017). Child-computer interaction at the beginner stage of music learning: Effects of reflexive interaction on children’s musical improvisation, Frontiers in Psychology 8:65. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00065


Ferrari, L. & Addessi, A.R. (2016). Suonando con il MIROR-Impro: potenzialità inclusive nei Sistemi Musicali Interattivi Riflessivi. In E. Angelo Emili (Ed.), Linguaggi per una scuola inclusiva (pp.104-118). Firenze: Libri Liberi.

Addessi, A. R. (editor) (2015). La creatività musicale e motoria dei bambini in ambienti riflessivi: proposte didattiche con la piattaforma MIROR. Bologna: Bononia University Press. With the contributions by: Anelli, F., Benghi D., Bonfiglioli, L., Cardoso de Araújo R., Ferrari L., Leman, M., Maffioli M., Nijs, L., Regazzi F.
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Addessi, A.R., Anelli, F., Benghi, D. & Friberg, A. (2015). Does reflexive interaction enhance children’s musical improvisation? Child-computer interaction at the beginning stage of music learning. In A. Willamon & M. Miura (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, September 2015.

Addessi, A.R., Ferrari, L. & Carugati F. (2015). The Flow Grid: A technique for observing and measuring emotional state in children interacting with a Flow machine. Journal of New Music Research, 44(2), pp.129-144.


Addessi, A.R. (2015). Reflexive technologies for (music) teacher education: Theoretical framework and practices with the MIROR platform. In P.-H. Holgersson & J.-O. Gullö (Eds.), Festschrifts in honor of Cecilia K. Hultberg. Knowledge formation in and through music (pp. 12). Royal College of Music, Stockholm (ISBN: 9789198281200).


Addessi, A.R. (2015). O paradigma da interação reflexiva no campo da aprendizagem mediada por tecnologias: arcabouço teórico e alguns resultatodos empíricos com a plataforma MIROR. In A. Ferreira Corrȇa (Ed.), A mente musical em perspectiva interdisciplinar (pp. 191-234). Brasilia: Editora Universidade de Brasília (ISBN: 978-85-230-1160-4).


Addessi, A.R., Anelli, F. & Romagnoli, S. (2015). Students of higher teacher education institution observing children in reflexive environment: Conceptions, educational practices, and role of the teacher, Percepta. Revista de Cognição Musical, 2/2, 17-35 (ISSN 2318-891X).

Addessi, A.R., Maffioli, M. & Anelli, F. (2015). The MIROR platform for young children’s music and dance creativity: Reflexive interaction meets body-gesture, embodied cognition and Laban educational dance. Perspectives. Journal of Early Music & Movement Association,10(1), 9-17.

Addessi, A.R., Anelli, F. & Romagnoli, S. (2015). Exploring reflexive interaction pedagogy through focus group with students in higher teacher education institution. XI SIMCAM – Simpósio International de Cognição e Artes Musicais (pp. 90-98). Universidade Federal de Goiás, Pirenópolis, Brazil, 26-29 May 2015 (ISSN: 2236-4366)

Lagerlöf, P., Wallerstedt, C. & Pramling, N. (2014). Playing, new music technology and the struggle with achieving intersubjectivity. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 7(2), 199-216.


Addessi, A.R. (2014). Developing a theoretical foundation for the Reflexive Interaction Paradigm with implications for training music skill and creativity. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, 24(3), 214-230. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pmu0000055


Rowe, V., Triantafyllaki, A. & Anagnostopoulou, X. (2014). Young pianists exploring improvisation using interactive music technology. International Jounral of Music Education (published online 6/2014). DOI: 10.1177/0255761414540137


Cardoso de Araújo, R., & Addessi, A. R: (2014). Um estudo sobre a improvisação musical de crianças num contexto musical interativo/reflexivo, MÚSICA EM CONTEXTO, (8)1, 76-91.

Ferrari, L. & Addessi, A.R. (2014). A new way to play music together: The Continuator in the classroom. International Journal of Music Education, 32(2), pp.171-184. DOI: 10.1177/0255761413504706

Varni, G., Volpe, G., Sagoleo, R., Mancini, M. & Lepri, G. (2013). Interactive reflexive and embodied exploration of sound qualities with BeSound. Proceedings of the Conference of Interaction Design and Children (IDC13), 24-27 June 2013, New York, USA.

Rowe, V. & Triantafyllaki, A. (2013). “Is it playing my tune?” Young children interacting with reflexive music technology. Summary of demonstration and paper presented at the 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education (RIME), 9-13 April 2013, University of Exeter.

Alexakis, A., Khatchatourov, A., Triantafyllaki, A. & Anagnostopoulou, C. (2013). “Measuring musical creativity advancement”. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC) & Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), 30 July – 3 August, Stockholm, Sweden.

Cardoso de Araújio R., Addessi A.R. (2013). A study about children’s musical improvisation in an interactive/reflexive musical context. Simpósio de cognição e artes musicais internacional (SIMCAM9), 27-30 May, Belém, Paraná, Brazil.

Addessi, A.R., Cardoso de Araújio, R., Maffioli, M., Regazzi, F., García, T., Volpe G., Varni, G., Mazzarino, B.(2013). “Designing the MIROR-Body Gesture framework for music and dance creativity. A pilot study with children”. Simpósio de cognição e artes musicai internacional (SIMCAM9), 27-30 May, Belém, Paraná, Brazil.

Ferrari, L., Addessi, A.R. (2013). Early exploration of digital sound: Two-three years old children interacting with the MIROR Impro. In J. Pitt & J. Retra (eds.) 6th MERYC Conference, 17-20 July 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 359-368.

Addessi, A.R. (2013). “Child/machine interaction in reflexive environment. The MIROR Platform”. In R. Bresin (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013 (SMC2013), pp.95-102. Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH.

Khatchatourov, A., Pachet, F. (2013). MIROR IMPRO and COMPO SOftware: the User Guide. SONY Computer Science Laboratory Paris, July 2013.

Triantafyllaki, A., Kotsira, L. & Anagnostopoulou, C. (2013). Learning to compose using interactive technology: A case study investigation of whole-class composition processes using the MIROR Platform in a Greek primary school. Extended Abstract, 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education (RIME), 9-13 April, 2013, Univesrity of Exeter.

Volpe, G., Varni, G., Mazzarino, B., Addessi, A.R. (2012). BeSound: Embodied Reflexion for Music Education in Childhood. The 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC2012) June 12-15 2012, Bremen, Germany, 172-175. Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1007-9.

Addessi, A.R., Volpe, G., Varni, G., Newman, S. (2012). Children music-making with interactive reflexive technology. A case study of spiral model of specification. In the Proceedings of the eChallenges e-2012 Conference, 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.

Young, S., Rowe, V. (2012). Young children’s improvisations on a keyboard: How might reflexive technologies support the processes of learning to improvise? In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, K. Pastiadis (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 23-28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece,1162-1163.

Anagnostopoulou, C., Alexakis, A., Triantafyllaki, A. (2012). A computational method for the analysis of musical improvisations by young children and psychiatric patients with no musical background. In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, K. Pastiadis (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 23-28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, 64-68

Addessi, A.R., Ferrari, L., Carugati, F.(2012). Observing and measuring the flow emotional state in children interacting with MIROR platform. In E. Cambouropoulos,C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, K. Pastiadis (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 23-28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-30.

Addessi, A.R. (2012). From Echo to the Mirror Neurons, founding a systematic perspective of the Reflexive Interaction paradigm. In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, K. Pastiadis (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 23-28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, 9-19.

Addessi, A.R., Ferrari, L., Carugati, F. (2012). Observing Flow in Child/Music Machine Interaction. In A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus & P.H. Zimmerman (Eds), Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (Measuring Behavior 2012), 28-31 August 2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 324-327.

Triantafyllaki, A., Anagnostopoulou, C., Alexakis, A. (2012). An exploratory study of young children’s technology-enabled imrpovisations. In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, K. Pastiadis (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 23-28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece,1009-1015.

Cardoso de Araujo, R., Addessi, A.R. (2012). A study about children’s musical improvisation in an interactive reflexive musical context. 30th ISME World Conference in Music Education, 15-20 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece (abstract).

Glowinski, D., Mancini, M. (2011). Towards real-time affect detection based on Sample Entropy analyis of expressive gesture. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2011), Memphis, USA.

Addessi, A.R., Volpe, G. (2011). The MIROR Project. In C. Delgados Kloos et Al. (Eds), Towards Ubiquitous Learning. Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2011), September 20th-23rd, Palermo, Italy, Springer Verlag, 15-28.

Pachet, F., Roy, P., Barbieri, G. (2011). Finite-Lenght Markov Processes with Constraints. Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), July 2011, Barcelona, Spain, 635-642.

Addessi, A.R., Ferrari, L., Young, S. (2011). The MIROR Project: Music Interaction Relying On Reflexion. In S.Young (Ed), Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Network of Music Educators and Researches of Young Children (MERYC2011), Helsinki, Finland, June 8th-11th 2011, 27-32.

Wallerstedt, C., Lagerlof, P. (2011). Exploring turn-taking in children’s interaction with a new music technology. HeKupu, 2(5), 20-31.

Addessi, A.R. (2011). The MIROR Project: Music Interaction Relying On Reflexion. In M. Dottori (Ed), VII Simpósio de Cognição e Artes Musicais Internacional-Anais (VII SIMCAM 2011), Universidade de Brasilia, 24 a 27 de maio, Brasilia, Brasil, pp. 377-393.

Addessi, A.R., Ferrari, L. (2011). The MIROR Project: Music Interaction Relying On Reflexion. In Minerva & Colazzo (Eds),7th Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di e-Learning (SIEL), Reggio Emilia, Italy, September 2011, LEDIZIONI, 15-25.